Saturday, March 28, 2020

Archived Facebook Coronavirus Posts: March 10th (post 2)

[I'm transitioning a bunch of Facebook posts I made on the Coronavirus to my blog.  This was from March 10th]

I'm annoyed by the persistent "coronavirus crisis is just being hyped by the liberal media!" theory people seem to be clinging to. I've been following this story very closely and I just do not see that as being the case.
If you still think the worry here is just caused by media overreaction, I would encourage you to watch and compare these two YouTube videos:
First, here is video about the new coronavirus from the early days of the outbreak in China by Dr. Eric Strong, a medical professor at Stanford and a practicing hospitalist:
Main takeaway (paraphrasing): "It's early yet, there's a lot we don't know, but don't worry, this could be no big deal at all and you're much more likely to get the flu than this new thing."
And this is the latest video on the situation he posted today:
Main takeaway (exact quote): "For the country as a whole, including its health care system: I think things are going to get bad . . . like, really bad."

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